. I was killed. I was born on 23 Shahrivar 1363 in Rasht and was a student of industrial management at Qazvin Azad University. During the demonstrations of the Green Movement on July 18, 2008, I was arrested and subjected to severe torture in the Kehrizk Detention Center. I spent very difficult days in the Kehrizk Detention Center. When I entered the Hell of Kehrizk, my neck, nose, jaw, and ribs were all crushed and my eyesight was the same. I had lost my eyesight due to the beating of the officers. I kept thinking that why can't one of my eyes see? A few days passed and my eyes were severely infected due to the unsanitary conditions and diesel fumes being sent into the quarantine, once by the toilet.
I wanted to drink water when I saw my friend, I told him I don't know why my left eye can't see!! It was hard for him to tell the truth and he couldn't tell me that the cornea of your eye came out and you lost the vision in one of your eyes. At that moment, the only thing he could do was that he loves me. I always moaned loudly and asked my mother to restore my sight, but my mother had died of cancer five years before my arrest, and the pain of my mother was still on my heart and I always asked her for help. It was the last day, we were being transferred from the hell of Kehrizak to Evin Prison. My condition had become much worse than a few days ago, in that scorching July sun, I was sitting in the yard with a lifeless body in the corner of the yard. I was sitting in the shade and I was not under the burning sun. He started hitting me with a boot on my head, face and broken ribs. Due to the pain of the boot, I had to come out of the shade with my bare feet dragging on the hot asphalt to my friend's side. to go Before we boarded the bus, they put plastic handcuffs on our hands so tightly that all of our hands were covered in dead blood and some of our hands were torn. The air inside the bus was very hot, and no matter how much we begged them to open the windows, they didn't do it, the cowards drank cold water in front of us, but they didn't give us a single drop of water. There were some soldiers in our bus who had batons in their hands, and they greeted anyone who moaned with batons.
On the way from Kehrizak to Evin, I felt very bad on the bus and I was very thirsty and my lips were dry from thirst. My friends begged the officers to give you this water, but they spared me a drop of water. I was constantly raising blood with my thirsty lips, it was getting harder and harder for me to breathe, one of my friends gave me artificial respiration, but he couldn't do anything, I left this world at the peak of oppression, pain and thirst and went to My mother rushed me 💔